Get Your Vaccine, Keep Others Safe

By Carolina Ayvar

COVID-19 has been a great pandemic and one question that has surfaced is should we vaccinate and mask? Experts say individuals need to vaccinate and mask in order to keep COVID-19 under control and hopefully get rid of it soon. 

Student, Anna Espinal, reads with her mask on in class.

The vaccine will increase a person’s immunization against the virus and will help prevent the spread of it. 

To bring about great change, everybody needs to do their part. A lot of people think that it won’t matter if they don’t get the vaccine, the problem is that they are not the only ones thinking that, which means a lot of people are not getting the vaccine. 

By not getting the vaccine, you are putting yourself and others around you at risk. If you get sick with COVID-19, the people around you could potentially have it. Those individuals could be asymptomatic, they will carry it around and spread, causing a never ending contagious cycle. Everybody wants to keep their loved ones safe. That is why they need to do their part to keep each other safe.

To prevent the spread you also want to wear a mask. Masks can help filter out air particles that could contain COVID-19 coming from other people. By masking it can also help reduce the chances of you spreading anything to another person. 

The science says we should vaccinate and mask up. There are multiple studies showing that masks are indeed helping reduce the spread of COVID-19.And although are not 100% effective they will help reduce your chances of contracting COVID-19 and they will help you build immunity. This means if you do happen to get COVID-19 it won’t be as serious. 

Student, Abdirahman Abdi, reads with his mask on in class.

There are people that say “I already got Covid-19 before, I have built up immunity now.”. That thought makes them believe they don’t need the vaccine anymore. 

The CDC states that, “There are studies showing that unvaccinated people who already had COVID-19 are more than two times as likely than fully vaccinated people to get COVID-19 again”. 

This further shows the large improvement it would be to get the vaccine. 

There are individuals who state that vaccines are “bad for you and that they are ineffective”. The problem is that they usually get their information from sources that are not credible. Social media and the Internet play a big role in this. Anybody with no qualifications can go out there and say that masking and the vaccine is useless. 

There are a lot of studies showing that masking and vaccinating is really important, and useful. Experts have done these studies in order to find methods that work, and keep people safe with true facts. 

Now, it’s your choice to decide whether you will put your trust in the experts, or someone that has not gone through proper education and gained knowledge on the matter to give out a statement.  

Individuals also have decided to focus on the inconveniences of masking. A few say “It’s hard to breathe, it’s uncomfortable…”. But if you think about it, would you rather experience these small inconveniences, or get sick with COVID-19? There’s also the Delta variant making COVID-19 even more contagious, which means people should really pay attention and see if they are doing their part to keep it under control and try to keep cases low. 

Please think wisely about what you will choose to do, not only is your health in your hands, but others’ as well. Let’s try to keep each other safe. If you disagree with any of the points mentioned above, please let me know, and explain your reasoning.

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