East Fashionista Captures Diverse Styles

As a fashionista since birth, I have always been interested in how others perceive fashion and go about choosing their outfits.  Just a mere 17 years later, I decided to take this thought a step further and dive deeper into the world of fashion: Green Bay East High School edition.  

As I went on this past week’s journey⎼jumping into East’s newspaper club right as it was winding down⎼I experienced a different side of fashion and East than I previously knew. 

Turns out, not everybody who has a killer fit on is interested in fashion.  And on the other hand, someone who seemingly has a plain top and bottom on might have an intriguing story about them.  As my mom pointed out, not everybody thinks of fashion in the same way.  

Name: Jennifer Duarte Castillo

Grade: 9th 

What inspired your outfit today? : “Well, this morning I was like, ya know, I’m feeling kinda brown today.  So, I just started checking through my wardrobe, and I was like, okay, I really wanna wear a skirt today because it’s a nice day out.  I balanced it with a long sleeve shirt and a jacket over it just in case it got cold.  I got this really cute scarf at Goodwill, and it just tied the look together!”

How would you describe your style? : “I think I would say it is kind of lowkey but still fashionable, I guess.  It’s chic, ya know! Anything that makes me feel like I can express my personality.   Something nice, something that makes me approachable.” 

Extra comments: “Um, I love your fit, you gotta take some pictures too.” (Thank you!)

Name: Vance Alexander

Grade: 11th

What inspired your outfit today? : “I don’t even know what inspired my outfit. I just threw on clothes this morning.” 

“Did this interview inspire it?”

“Yeah.  It definitely inspired it because I wanted to look good for the picture, so…”

How would you describe your style? : “My style.  Just my style.”

Extra comments: “My hair is inspired by Ja Morant.” (Basketball player, for those like me who didn’t know who he was!!)

Name: Grace Janke

Grade: 12th

What inspired your outfit today? : “Oh gosh…I don’t know! I mean, it was really sunny outside, so, you know, the yellow…happy and sunny.  Yeah that’s probably it.”

How would you describe your style? : “Kind of everything, like I’m kinda cool with everything.  I really appreciate most styles.” 

Extra comments: none

Name: Nate 

Grade: 11th

What inspired your outfit today? : “It’s comfy and looks good.”

How would you describe your style? : “Baggy, relaxed, comfy, cool”

Extra comments: none

Name: Claire

Grade: 9th

What inspired your outfit today? : “I woke up this morning, and I was like, “You’re gonna look good today.” I just put something on; I thought it was cute. ”

How would you describe your style? :

Extra comments: Her eyeshadow matched her hair color! I thought that was pretty cool. 

Name: Ra’Shawn Robinson

Grade: 10th

What inspired your outfit today? : “It’s just me being creative and being able to express myself through what I wear.”

How would you describe your style? : “Sometimes a little flamboyant. It just depends.”

Extra comments: He drew all over his hat—super dope drawings/designs! 

Name: Mr. Fisk

Subject: Social Studies

What inspired your outfit today? : “ Well, Claudia said we’d be talking about fashion, so I thought I’d wear something classic!”

How would you describe your style? : “ American, traditional, professional.”

Extra comments : “Yeah, um ya know, clothing is one of those things you can spend a lot of money on, and so when you buy, buy quality stuff.”

Name: Libby Neumeyer

Grade: 12th 

What inspired your outfit today? : “I was going for comfy, casual, still keeping up with the trends a little bit, but still kinda doing my own thing.  Going for a 90s vibe; really just a super, well-rounded outfit.”

How would you describe your style? : “Overall I’d say my style is casual comfy.  Every once in a while I like to go for a bolder outfit, but that’s rare for me.  I like the comfyness.”

Extra comments: none 

Name: Marcos Putala

Grade: 11th

What inspired your outfit today? : “I just woke up and had five minutes left to go to school.  I just put it on really quick and went to school, I guess!”

How would you describe your style? : “Um, I just like sweaters, I guess.”

Extra comments: none

Name: Mrs. Kong

Job: Career Coordinator

What inspired your outfit today? : “I think I’m just ready for spring! Bring on that vibrant color, get it all ready, and just enjoy the warmth of it.”

How would you describe your style? : “I think it’s easy going, casual, flowy, and breezy, so when the weather’s nice, it’s just something comfy.”

Extra comments: none 

Name: Fatima Sanchez

Grade: 11th

What inspired your outfit today? : “My brothers.”

How would you describe your style? : “Um, whatever I see first!

Extra comments: “These are my brother’s jeans.”

Name: Shaniya Nelson

Grade: 10th

What inspired your outfit today? : “Well, it’s comfortable, and I think it speaks a lot about myself. And as you can see, my pants have upside down smiley faces.”

“Did you paint those?”


How would you describe your style? : “Weird.  I don’t really dress up for school and stuff, so I kind of have what people call a ‘hobo fashion’ thing, but that’s only for school.  I have a great sense of fashion in my opinion. It’s weird, and I like being weird.”

Extra comments: “Just be yourself because you’re probably the only person you have in the end, so stay weird.”

Name: Spirit Hess

Grade: 11th

What inspired your outfit today? : “I was feeling kind of down today, so I decided to wear all black to express my emotions, and I think it helped.  Also, this scarf is really cozy and is keeping me warm.”

How would you describe your style? : “I’d describe my style as relaxed, comfortable, casual.”

Extra comments: “What does your shirt say?”

“It’s never too late to start wasting your life.”

“Haha, I like that, it really goes with how you were feeling this morning.”

Name: Diamond Lee

Grade: 11th

What inspired your outfit today? : “Ahh, edgy, I went for an edgy skater vibe.”

How would you describe your style? : “Very comfy but cute.”

Extra comments: none

From my perspective, I look at how the person wears their clothing, if it seems like they take pride in their outfit or go along with the trends for ease.  From perspective of Brian Fisk, social studies teacher, it is simple:  “Every man should own a black suit, khaki pants, and good footwear.”  He has purposeful key pieces he’s worn for 20+ years that are like an investment.  I, on the other hand, may reconfigure my mom’s scarf into a shirt, or pick up some jeans at a thrift store that aren’t my predictable size.  

While I interviewed some devils I have known since elementary school, I also had the opportunity to strike up conversations with people I had never spoken a word to.  It was a challenge of the classic 21st century struggle for your average teenager.  Although I consider myself an extrovert, it definitely took a little hyping up to ask a stranger if I could take their picture.  

Occasionally this was awkward because they would have a confused look and say, “No, I am not into fashion,” but it was also incredibly rewarding as I could tell that for some people, it made their day that I had recognized an outfit they put a lot of thought into.  And that is my hope: to have people be connected through conversation and interests so genuine and creative. 

The best lesson I have repeatedly learned, that this experiment has only emphasized, was to follow my intuition and my goals.  Taking that step to have that conversation with so many unknowns is liberating.  Furthermore, I got to immerse myself in a huge passion of mine at an amazing school with so many different people.  

I hope all who were involved in this enjoyed the spontaneity, compliments, and creations that they may or may not have known they are contributing to in the world of fashion.  As you read the article, or rather scan the pictures, I hope you gain a new perspective on fashion, are intrigued by the variety of responses, and are inspired to take on the challenge yourself of reaching out to a stranger at East to ask about their outfit—or just their day.  

Stay tuned for next year’s editions, with many more photographs, conversations, and styles!

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